Taking Stock…

…and the World is my Oyster

My last trip to town took place well before Christmas. Now, at the end of January, I am taking stock, making a list, preparing for the next foray off the Rock and into town.

Continue reading “Taking Stock…”

A Year in The Life…

…Lost for Words in the Year of Covid

I have been away for a while. Lost for words in the year of Covid-19. I really do not know what to say that hasn’t already been said.

Continue reading “A Year in The Life…”

Marching on….

…into spring

January 2019: unseasonably mild and spring-like. February through March: nearly two months of cold, mostly clear weather and the ground frozen solid. Much snow fell on other islands, on other parts of the province, but here we’ve had hardly any precipitation at all for most of the winter. Not a good thing. Continue reading “Marching on….”

Farewell to Fine Friends…

…while seeking the muse

Last  you heard,  I was rabbiting on about the new outhouse in the back garden. There has been a long silence since that episode, but I did not fall down the hole! As a good friend pointed out recently, there has been a dark cloud hanging overhead this year. This might explain why I have been feeling a little under par, a little short on creative energy, why I have not written for so long. Continue reading “Farewell to Fine Friends…”