Farewell to Fine Friends…

…while seeking the muse

Last  you heard,  I was rabbiting on about the new outhouse in the back garden. There has been a long silence since that episode, but I did not fall down the hole! As a good friend pointed out recently, there has been a dark cloud hanging overhead this year. This might explain why I have been feeling a little under par, a little short on creative energy, why I have not written for so long. Continue reading “Farewell to Fine Friends…”

The Long Drop….

Just a word of warning: folks with delicate sensibilities may find the subject  of this post somewhat unsavoury. If  you are on the squeamish side, you may want to give it a miss…. Continue reading “The Long Drop….”

Bored in Paradise…

…or I can’t see the forest for the trees.

November has never been my favourite time of year. The rapidly shortening days combine with deteriorating weather systems to create a cloud of doom that shrouds my days.

Continue reading “Bored in Paradise…”

Wild Mushroom Hunting…

In between the wild autumn storms that have been blowing up the coast where we live, the sun has been shining at regular intervals, bright and warm, making the colourful big leaf maples glow and pop against the evergreen rainforest. Continue reading “Wild Mushroom Hunting…”